Here is showing the backyard with a basic tidy up. We have lifted poles and pieces of wood, bricks and pavers, as well as those "3 Corner Jacks" or Spiny Emex. So far we have resorted to digging them out but come summer collecting the burrs on thongs and rubbing them onto a bucket's rim to collect sounds like part of a good "organic" idea. Apparently they can stay dormant in the soil for 7 years before seeding again. Well - some good hard constant battle against our unneeded foe are in order. It seems it was first introduced from South Africa in the 1830s to W.A. as a vegetable called "Cape Spinach". It originated from the Cape of Good Hope. The young leaves of Cape Spinach were eaten - I wonder how many people have tried that here in Australia? In W.A. where it was introuduced it is known as Double Gee which comes from an African word meaning Devil's Thorn. Nasty getting it in one's foot or fingers I can say. Bindii is another name that has come across to me in the past and even Bindii eye. It even has a few other names . In the front - left hand side of the picture you can see we have put a small raised garden plot - our first. I have it raised purely to control the soil medium...I'm hoping great things from a small start! Around the garden plot I have put mulched tree branches that we cut from trees around the block. My poor mulcher after half a day of work gave Tez a "blank" noise and lots of "no go" and he wasn't able to start it. Well sometimes machinery can be short-lived in our modern age - but if anyone can get it going again my husband can. So we have our first month's start of our new backyard's conversion into something of beauty and order.
Hi Deborah. Thanks for joining my blog as a follower : ) Sounds like you have a plan and your work cut out for you there. I hope it all comes together well .